jeudi 24 décembre 2009

Freebox HD : un "application store" est prévu pour début 2010

Dans un billet précédent je vous annonçais que la Freebox HD utilisait maintenant "Enlightenment Foundation Library". Pour moi c'était clairement annonciateur d'une vraie révolution (pas les jeux!).

Cette information est confirmée par une news sur le site web : 

"Since now a few days, the Enlightenment Foundation Library are running on around 2 or 3 millions French set top box. is openning the development on the Freebox HD by using a combination of the EFL and Mozilla JavaScript library. This open with a relatively old hardware some great graphical is planning to open some kind of store for this JavaScript apps during the beginning of 2010
So what does this mean for you as users and developers? It means that the EFL are able to provide some eye candy with limited hardware and this target is here to stay for some time. In the past, Freebox S.A.S as provided code that improve some specific bottleneck of the EFL, and will continue in the futur. We focus on 720p output, 1080p is also supported. Finally we are also working on keyboard issue and some library will see improvement in a near futur, so stay tunned on this too !"
D'ailleurs Free organise justement une session de formation de son SDK "Elixir Dev Days 2010".
Freestore à l'horizon ???

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